Any local liscensed HAM radio operator can join the Dartmouth Amature Radio Club!
“Joining a club is great for two things, you can meet an Elmer. And you can meet like-minded people.”
- ARRL Field Services Manager Mike Walters, W8ZY
You have your license and your first radio or perhaps just a general interest and you’re not sure what to do next, the best thing is to join an amateur radio club where you will connect with experienced hams who can help you get more involved and on the air.
What's an Elmer?
Say the word “Elmer” to a non-Ham and two thoughts spring to mind: glue for elementary craft projects and a bald-headed rabbit hunter who has trouble pronouncing his Rs .In the Amateur Radio realm, Elmers hold a high place of esteem. The word means an experienced operator who takes a novice under his or her wing, providing personal guidance and answers to the thousands of questions that confront the newbie.
Jumping into the Amateur Radio hobby without a mentor can be like diving into deep water without a life preserver. For many new Hams, the difference between sinking to the bottom and blissfully floating along is the wise guidance of an Elmer. Joining the Dartmouth Amateur Radio club gives you access to not just one, but a group of Elmers—experienced operators who can help you get off on the right foot.
Fellowship and more....
Talk to a Ham and they’ll tell you some of the closest friends they’ve ever made have come thanks to their interest in Amateur Radio. Think you may be the only inexperienced operator in the crowd? Think again. Club members run the gamut from Hams on the DXCC Honor Roll to those still waiting to make their first QSO—and every skill level in between.
You can also learn more about how to get involved in using your license to provide emergency communication services. Furthermore, you can play a role in activities that let others in the community see the value of Ham Radio.
Through meetings and our website and forum, The Dartmouth Amateur Radio club serves as a valuable resource for what’s happening in the Ham Radio community, both locally and worldwide from people you’ll know.
Whether you’re a newbie or a longtime Ham looking to get back on the air after years of inactivity, joining an Amateur Radio club can introduce, or reintroduce, you to the wide-ranging aspects of the hobby the D.A.R.C. may be just what you’re looking for! Reach out to us HERE if you'd like more information.
Dues & Renewals
DARC annual dues are $30.00 per year for associate and full members. The annual fee entitles the member to access club facilities and to attend general meetings and to exercise voting privileges (excluding Associate Members).
Dues are payable in January of each calendar year and will cover the period of the entire year. For accounting convenience membership dues are collected once per year and are not pro-rated. Members who forfeit their membership will NOT be eligible for partial or full reimbursement for the fiscal year.
Jeremy Fowler VE1JHF the clubs Treasurer will be excepting Dues by e-transer him the $30.00 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and in the comment section please put your name and call sign.
For Club Members
EMO sheets to be filled out for all time spent on club business.The form is to be submitted each month.
The form in question can be found here :